Absolutely chuffed to be part of this jolly shindig! Hang on, that's not very Halloweeny is it? Let's start again. There's been a murder on the dancefloor! Shake your severed limbs and watch you don't slip on the pools of blood as a beastly line up of musickal deviants commit horrific acts upon your ears! Can you handle the Vault Of Horror? Bwah ha ha ha!!!
Plaque Terror (Hockyfrilla/Nackt Insecten)
Bridget Hayden (Vibracathedral Orchestra)
The Radiation Line VS Mills & Boon
PLUS film screenings, visuals
DJ sets from John Cavanagh, eva, Stu from Beard magazine, and Anne from BaNG!bAnG!
Friday 31st October @The Flying Duck 8pm til 3am £6
1 comment:
going to be rather m e s s y!!
woop woop!
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