Our March edition bulges with beauties! Waulking songs from Barra, blissed out bearded dudes singing about honey, gorgeous Iranian ballads, sound poetry, blackened bass, Italian soundtracks, sepulchural organs, West African guitars, and cosmic freakout jazz.
Children in Djounhan - Bellula; Ishilan N-Tenere (Sahel Sounds / Missipssippi Records)
Intriya Ag Babo - Taliat; Ishilan N-Tenere (Sahel Sounds / Missipssippi Records)
Akron/Family - Silly Bears; S/T II The Cosmic Birth and Journey... (Dead Oceans)
Miss Mary Morrison and her chorus - Lathat siubhold beinne dhomh; Waulking Songs From Barra (Tangent)
Bob Cobbing - Interview; The Order of Things (Aeolus/pocketbooks)
Raime - This Foundry; EP (Blackest Ever Black)
Tim Hecker - In The Air II; Rave Death 1972 (Kranky)
Iron Knowledge - Showstopper; Chains & Black Exhaust (Memphix)
Larry Young - Khalid of Space Part Two; Lawrence of Newark (Sanctuary)
The Haxan Cloak - Burning Torches of Despair; ST (Aurora Borealis)
Nino Rota - Aria Di Roma Main Titles; LSD Roma (Cherry Red)
Dariush - Cheshm-e Man; Pomegranetes (Finders Keepers)
Enjoy! We'll be back on 18 April.
In the meantime, here's some bonus beats, featuring Larry Young