Thursday, September 16, 2010

Unknown Is Best: The Return of Beard Radio 16.9.10

We return with some beautiful new tunes from Afrirampo, Swans and Antoni Maiovvi and pay tribute to free jazz legend Noah Howard and poet and all round hero Edwin Morgan. There's some Bollywood proto-acid, sound poetry, cosmic disco, Moroccan electric banjo jams and a very, very odd unreleased Beach Boys tune. Shout outs to Chris Storey for the Jemaa El Fna recommendation, Katie Pope for the Edwin Morgan ASLS CD, and Frances Morgan for the Beach Boys bootleg. The Aeolus Morgan recordings come from a CD that comes with Ken Cockburn and Alec Finlay's wonderful anthology of Scottish sound, pattern and concrete poems, 'The Order of Things': well worth tracking down, as are most of the titles in Finlay's brilliant Pocketbooks series.

Afrirampo - Miracle Lucky Girls; We Are Ucho No Ko (Rock Action)
Edwin Morgan - Canedolia: an off concrete Scotch Fantasia (Aeolus)
Antoni Maiovvi - This is the beast; Thorns of Love (Caravan Recordings)
Mancingelani - Vana Vasesi; Shangaan Electro: New Wave Dance Music From South Africa (Honest Jons)
Swans - No Words/No Thoughts; My Father Will Guide a Rope From The Sky (Young God)
Edwin Morgan - The Day The Sea Spoke (Aeolus)
Chanjirit Singh - Raga Lalit Bombay; 12 Ragas to a Disco Beat (Bombay Connection)
Beach Boys - My Solution; Landlocked (Bootleg)
Noah Howard - Space Dimension; Space Dimension (America)
Edwin Morgan - At 80; 23 Poems of Edwin Morgan Vol 2 (ASLS)
Amal Saha - Lahmami; Ecstatic Music of the Jamaa El Fna (Sublime Frequencies)

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